Dr. Anastasia Molchanova, Postdoctoral Fellow, TU Wien, Austria
Sobolev Homeomorphisms in Nonlinear Elasticity
Mathematics and Applications Colloquium
Event Start: 2024-10-22 - 16:00
Event End: 2024-10-22 - 17:00
Location: Building 1, Level 3, Room 3119
Sobolev homeomorphisms play a fundamental role in geometric function theory, calculus of variations, and continuum mechanics. In this talk, we discuss key properties of these mappings that are crucial from both modeling and analytical perspectives, such as continuity, injectivity, and Lusin's (N) and (N-1) conditions. We then present a variational model of elasticity, where the electroelastic energy incorporates the interaction between elastic response and electrostatics through a capacitary term defined in Eulerian coordinates. This results in an energy of mixed Lagrangian-Eulerian type. Finally, we analyze the continuity of these capacitary terms under deformation convergence and establish the existence of minimizers for the associated energy functional.
Limits of Sobolev Homeomorphisms: Injectivity
Event Start: 2024-10-21 - 16:00
Event End: 2024-10-21 - 16:00
Location: Building 9, Level 3, Room 3120
In this talk, we discuss the weak limits of Sobolev homeomorphisms and their injectivity properties. We show that these mappings are almost everywhere injective when the Sobolev exponent p>n−1. In the critical case p=n−1, injectivity almost everywhere can still be guaranteed under specific coercivity conditions. For p≤n−1, we provide an example where the strong limit of homeomorphisms fails to preserve injectivity.
Brief Biography
Dr. Anastasia Molchanova defended her Ph.D. thesis in December 2016 at the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics in Russia. Since then, she has conducted research at the Sobolev Institute, Novosibirsk State University (Russia), the University of Vienna, and TU Wien (Austria). Currently, she holds a senior postdoctoral position at the Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing at TU Wien, where she leads her own FWF Elise Richter project.